What does psoriasis look like

If you have ever met a person suffering from psoriasis (picture 1), you have a distinct idea of its symptoms. But if you doubt a picture, in this article we are going to discuss the acute issue: What does psoriasis look like? This skin disorder makes patients be in pain and spotted on various parts of the body.

What does psoriasis look like 1

What does psoriasis look like

There are several types of psoriasis (picture 1), which present in different ways. For example, if we consider the symptoms of plaque psoriasis, we should mention that this is the most common one. It is characterized by particular patches on the skin of red color with scale. Does Guttate psoriasis look like the previous variant? Not as such, it appears in the form of small separated red spots, which are spread all over the body and can transform into patches with due time.

The first signs of psoriasis (pictures in the gallery) known as flexural one are red smooth skin defects developing in sentinel piles. There is also a severe type – the pustular one, when white blisters are framed of red skin. This condition can be followed by fever. We have done our best to give you the low-down on this health condition. Further we focus on some particular topics.

Psoriasis on body pictures 2

Psoriasis pictures on body

When psoriasis on body (picture 2) is diagnosed, it means that it can affect any part of it. The only thing, it is proved that psoriasis on legs occurs frequently but still it is possible. The patient can complain of this skin disease in inconvenient places like genitals, bottoms of the feet or armpits where the contact with the injured skin hurts. Here the patches are larger compared to typical areas due to the increased moisture.

Severe forms of psoriasis on body (images below) with pain can threaten to life of the patient. The deviation is not possible to get rid of. There is not any remedy curing this chronic autoimmune condition but the pharmacologists created a range of medications releasing pain and easing symptoms. Treating all types of psoriasis is critically important. The symptoms are not only irritating and looking unwell but can cause serious complications.

Psoriasis on hands pictures 3

Psoriasis on hands pictures

The picture of Psoriasis on hands depends on the kind of the condition. They recognize a common form of the disease with specific silver scales, which appear also on the elbows. The so-called erythrodermic psoriasis often affects the palms causing dry skin, itching and flaking all over the touched area. The skin loses elasticity, becomes tougher and gets covered with a corneal layer.

Such psoriasis on hands (photo 3) can be of severe form and that means that it penetrates inside the organism provoking ulcers, kidney failure. There are atypical forms, which can be found on the creases. This form of the disease is usually followed by lesion of feet with the same symptoms. Moreover, there is psoriatic arthritis – a painful condition causing physical limits. It can attack a lot of joints but in the hands it is very severe and appears after the skin symptoms become obvious.

Psoriasis on face pictures 4

Psoriasis on face pictures

We’ve got good news: the face is not often affected by this disease but still psoriasis on face (picture 4) exists, just some types of it. There is psoriasis around eyes (pictures below) with small papules around eyelids, spreading just to the eyelashes causing swelling and redness of this sensible area. It can appear also somewhere in nasolabial folds and between nose and upper lip. Moreover, we should mention a seborrheic form of scalp psoriasis when the skin on the forehead is affected, as a result the crown along the hairline appears.

In due course the damaged skin spreads all over the area covered with hair resembling severe dandruff. The ears are touched rarely. In cases when the condition is severe, the scalp hair may lose and itching starts. After proper treatment the hair grows again. Psoriasis on face usually resolves but being a chronic disease it is not cured completely like on any other part of the body.

Nail psoriasis pictures 5

Nail psoriasis pictures

Just some of the patients experience nail psoriasis (picture 5), which affects solely the nails that is why its symptoms are easily confused with fungal infections. Though, it can be distinguished by the skin lesion and arthritis signs occurring at the same time. The deviation looks like changed color and structure of nail plate – it becomes pitted, grooved, crumbled.

The skin under the nail also alters becoming thick and spotted. There are several types of nail psoriasis and some of them can lead to damages of the distal phalanges. The severe case, when the nail plate completely dissolves, is known as onycholysis. People with psoriasis (pictures at the bottom) of this kind can ease their suffering by improving appearance of nail. It hardly responds the treatment especially as the correspondent options are not vast.

How to treat psoriasis

In order to find the most appropriate medication and therapy the particular case should be discussed with a physician as far as different types of the disease at various stages can be cured in many ways taking into account the peculiarities of the certain health grounds. When the first signs of psoriasis (photos below) are diagnosed, topical treatment is applied, but if the case is neglected other options can be tried. Biologic drugs are used when there is no response to other methods.

Psoriasis on face treatment includes them also. But, the most common prescription is systemic medications administered orally or by injection. They influence the body in the whole. Nail psoriasis treatment can require additional options like steroids applied at or injected into the nail cuticle. Psoriasis elbow treatment like any other types can include biologics, systemic medications, light therapy and others methods.

There are a lot of ways to cure the disease but none of them provide the full recovery, unfortunately.

Pictures of people with psoriasis

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