Here we would like to discuss cervical osteochondrosis symptoms (picture 3), and to describe the way how osteochondrosis of cervical segment (picture 2) develops and how lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis appear.
We can notice that now a lot of people turn to apply to hospitals with complaints to osteochondrosis of cervical segment. When articular cartilages are damaged, the thoracic osteochondrosis can also appear but this happens not so often. Thus we suggest that the problems caused by cervical osteochondrosis as well as by the other its types should be discussed in details.
Cervical osteochondrosis symptoms pictures
You should not wait reaching the age when cervical osteochondrosis symptoms (picture 2) show up at last. It is worth mentioning that even younger people can suffer from this disorder. Unfortunately the science advancement makes cervical osteochondrosis younger. The young generation falls into habit to sit for hours in front of a computer bringing about a grave strain on a cervical segment.
They feel pain, tightening, crunch in neck. Cervical osteochondrosis strikes slowly and irrevocably. If we take a look at X-ray picture of cervical osteochondrosis (pictures below), we’ll see the deformed invertebral disc. There is for lack of its flexibility. Cervical osteochondrosis can often be a reason for fainting.
Osteochondrosis of cervical segment symptoms pictures
One would think, osteochondrosis of cervical segment (picture 3) is a kind of insignificant disease but it can be a high impact condition. The patient can suffer from diminished vision and hearing, drawing pain. Osteochondrosis of cervical segment changes the bone tissue little by little. The disease develops like flat foot, and the key reason for it is uncomfortable position taken under necessity. But the danger of osteochondrosis of cervical segment is much more serious.
In this segment there are a lot of vessels, nerves, which are getting damaged without any doubt and, thus, they cause damage to other organs. That is why the symptoms of osteochondrosis of cervical segment (pictures below) are often confused with other diseases. The most often sign of this deviation is tightening in hands, morning nausea. Osteochondrosis of cervical segment is also known as cervical syndrome.
Thoracic osteochondrosis symptoms pictures
The dissection of intervertebral disk causes thoracic osteochondrosis (picture 4). Gradually decreasing in height the disks start trapping intercostal nerves. But symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are observed in very rare cases. That is possible due to strong physiologic stabilization provided by ribs.
Thoracic osteochondrosis often strikes upper thoracic vertebras, causing their deformation. You should not confuse it with spinal scoliosis, that is a dissymmetrical deviation. Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis (pictures in gallery) show themselves to different extent. The negative hereditary background is also an important risk factor. Thoracic osteochondrosis symptoms appear with aging, when hydration of intervertebral tissues decreases. Increased physical activity, frequent falling, blood supply disturbance, traumas – all these factors unavoidably cause thoracic osteochondrosis.
Lumbar osteochondrosis symptoms pictures
The symptoms of osteochondrosis of this kind provoke rich sensation of pain. The osteochondrosis of lumbar segment (picture 5) is experienced in the morning most significantly. In the afternoon, when a patient gets worked up, pain remits. The heel spur may be a perfect example of reducing of the pain under the familiar circumstances. When a doctor looks at the osteochondrosis on X-ray picture, he understands the reason for the algogenesia like radiculopathy, myelopathy, or others.
Spinal osteochondrosis can cause hernia and protrusion. As a result there is nerve and vessel stricture. Lumbar osteochondrosis (pictures below) causes enlargement of spurs. The nerve compression leads to pain, myospasm. Lumbar osteochondrosis causes ischemia of organs.
Swelling over collar bone accompanying osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis of thoracic segment can often leads to swelling. Here we can speak about the result of enlargement of lymph nodes. Swelling over collar bone (picture 6) accompanying osteochondrosis can be a symptom of lymphangioma. Also there are known cases of development of lymphosarcoma. If thoracic osteochondrosis in patients causes the tumor growth, it must be examined. The similar swellings can be observed when there is foot arthrosis, with damage of adhering tissues.
Edema over collar bone accompanying osteochondrosis (pictures below) does not come and go on its own. The early tumor is to be removed. Cervicothoracicus osteochondrosis can be the final reason for development of swelling. By so doing it allows to find undetected diseases. Osteochondrosis of collar bone has no exact reason for development, here a range of factors influence.
Edema of neck accompanying osteochondrosis
The neck is the most vulnerable area, that is why edema of neck (picture 7) accompanying osteochondrosis is a frequent case. The slipped disks cause clamp of arteria that is why human osteochondrosis of cervical segment is ruinous for the human body. Frankly speaking, the danger level, which cervical osteochondrosis in patients (pictures in gallery) can cause, is just equal to the danger caused by osteoporosis – such a common condition can harm to health.
The key reason for edema of neck accompanying osteochondrosis is a clamp of vessels that results in nutritional disorder in brain. Early symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis must be taken into account. Cascular stasis is harmful. Cervical osteochondrosis must be treated.