What does a hemorrhoid look like pictures

In this article, we will consider what does a hemorrhoid looks like, what an external hemorrhoid (picture 6), how to definition internal hemorrhoids, and how to define hemorrhoids symptoms on the images.

What do hemorrhoids look like pictures

Hemorrhoids are called a delicate disease, and everyone who has faced it, would like to know what a hemorrhoid looks like. A very important point for a patient is the ability to determine, whether it is external or internal hemorrhoids and what is the difference between them.

What does a hemorrhoid look like images

What do hemorrhoids look like pictures

When blood clots appear in the hemorrhoidal veins, they may lead to obstruction of the vessels – and piles disease appears. In addition, the veins can bend, expand, inflame, forming hemorrhoid tumors, and it is easy to imagine what hemorrhoids look like (photo 2). The disease of hemorrhoids manifests itself gradually. The initial symptoms of piles may include itching and discomfort.

There are signs of how to definition hemorrhoids: pain during walking, defecation, bleeding, sometimes the piles may drop out. The easiest way to find out what hemorrhoids look like is to examine the anal area. Read more in the article what is hemorrhoids on our website.

Types of hemorrhoids photos

Types of hemorrhoids with pictures

Types of hemorrhoids (picture 3) depend on the mechanism of origin and the location. The external hemorrhoids are always located under the skin, and the internal hemorrhoids are located under the mucous membrane. The disease sometimes takes a long uncomplicated process. Some types of hemorrhoids are secondary. They occur as the continuation of another disease. As a rule, it is important for a patient to know before the examination: how to diagnose the hemorrhoids at home.

Quite often people are worried about the question of what kind of hemorrhoids happened to them, and what is the course of the disease in case on no treatment or treatment that is too late. As a rule, the process of the disease turns into a chronic recurrent form. For this case, there is a term bleeding hemorrhoids (images at the bottom). Especially dangerous is thrombosed hemorrhoids.

Internal piles photos

Internal hemorrhoids symptoms pictures

Internal hemorrhoids (picture 4) hides the piles inside the intestine. With a superficial examination, they cannot be detected. The question “How to define piles, if it is not visible?” arises. To do this, you can gently examine the intestine with your finger. What is the hemorrhoids of this kind can only be found out with necessary medical equipment. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are traces of red blood in small amounts.

Nevertheless, the first signs of hemorrhoids often doesn’t manifest itself. When the hemorrhoids become inflamed, the piles can be visible in the gut lumen. Its walls squeeze and injure the piles. Then even internal piles (pictures below) can cause intolerable rectal pain.

Bleeding hemorrhoids photos

Bleeding hemorrhoids symptoms pictures

Prolapsed hemorrhoids bleeds quite often. Statistics argue that bleeding hemorrhoids (picture 5) in neglected forms are observed in 1/10 of the population. There are no special differences between piles in male and women. Constantly internal bleeding hemorrhoids is called the last stage of pathology. The piles come out and form fimbriae with hemorrhoids around the anus.

Hemorrhoids are often infringed, the patient complains of burning, itching, and constant pain. Urgent operation is required – the inflamed fimbriae with hemorrhoids often provoke anemia. Hemorrhoids after surgery (pictures below) require a long-term compliance with the rules prescribed by the doctor. Rarely, but hemorrhoids in children can also manifest.

External hemorrhoids images

External hemorrhoids symptoms pictures

If the piles are localized under the skin, then this is external hemorrhoid (picture 6). If such a type of hemorrhoids is formed, the piles are noticeable well with the naked eye. When the period of exacerbation is over, the color of the skin around the anus, where the piles (hemorrhoids) are located, is normal, and the tissue themselves are soft and painless, causing no discomfort. The occurrence of such a disease as female hemorrhoids occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth. During these periods, complaints that hemorrhoids have come out, are very frequent. Large external hemorrhoids (photos below) have many clinical manifestations. You always need to know that hemorrhoids fissures are likely to appear in case of this disease.

Thrombosed hemorrhoid photos

Thrombosed external hemorrhoid pictures

Thrombosed hemorrhoids (picture 7) is considered a separate form of the disease. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids is a pile infringement or its thrombosis. The pile swells and turns solid blue color. Thrombosed piles requires urgent medical attention. It’s just awful how hemorrhoids look like when conservative treatment turned out to be ineffective. It is not difficult to guess how to definition the thrombosed hemorrhoids at a critical moment: terrible pain. To bring relief to the patient and remove the thrombus, the doctor performs a surgery. Piles fissures (pictures at the bottom) heal very quickly.

External piles photos

Small external hemorrhoids pictures

Small external hemorrhoids (picture 8) in some cases don’t include enlarged piles. But the symptoms of hemorrhoids almost always include small, barely noticeable tumors. Subsequent progression significantly increases the piles of hemorrhoids (photos below), and they acquire a cyanotic shade. When hemorrhoids of this kind got out, it is not recommended to touch it too often – as it can lead to increased number of accumulated clots; Besides, it’s just very painful. Protruding hemorrhoids require a surgery. Congenital hemorrhoids after the surgery often gives a relapse.

Gallery photos of hemorrhoids

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