Vitiligo early stage symptoms pictures

In this article we’ll see early vitiligo (picture 1), consider the early symptoms of vitiligo in children (picture 4), learn the reasons and treatment, and also find out what is vitiligo in details and what are its signs.

Vitiligo early stage symptoms pictures 1

Early vitiligo pictures

It is easy enough to see early vitiligo – it has quite evident development. Early vitiligo (picture 2) appears on the skin in the form of hardly visible white spots not more than 0,2-0,3 cm of size. Most often such light symptoms of vitiligo are simply neglected. Dermatologic tests show that if a patient has had skin melanoma, development of vitiligo increases the chances of regression of this disease. Under conditions favorable for the pathology, early vitiligo can develop, changing into the other forms:

  • stationary;
  • progressive;
  • repigmentation stage.

Early vitiligo pictures 2

During the stationary stage white spots (picture 3) do not alter, and new signs of vitiligo do not appear. At the progressive stage the spots start increasing, and existing affects grow in size. Growth rate depends on individual peculiarities of the human body, the symptoms of vitiligo can intensify during several weeks.

White spots pictures 3

After treatment is performed, vitiligo can pass into a repigmentation stage. Against influence of chemical agents or intake of drugs, the skin depigmentation (pictures in gallery) becomes less aggressive. If a patient ignores the disease, the following complications can develop:

  • psoriasis;
  • patchy baldness;
  • dermatitis;
  • prematurely gray;
  • lichen planus;
  • sclerodermia.

In some stages the reason for the skin depigmentation can be chromophytosis in humans, the symptoms and signs of which just look like vitiligo. This disease is regarded as infection and picks out usually adults.

Vitiligo in children pictures 4

Early vitiligo in children pictures

The people almost of any age are subject at risk, but vitiligo in children (picture 4) under tens occur rare. Most often the skin disease vitiligo happens with immature girls, especially if they are histrionic. The emotional stress gives a boost not only to development of spots but also to their rapid increase in number. Early vitiligo in children (picture 5) can start even after simple cold, the complications of which adversely affect the immune system. In this stage vitiligo on the skin looks like slightly observable faint pink spotting. Also poliosis arises – depigmentation of hair-covering in the places where there are signs of vitiligo in children (pictures below).

Even if a pregnant woman has skin disease vitiligo, there is no fatal risk that a child will get it. Vitiligo in the new baby happens for the reasons which do not depend on his mother condition. Vitiligo in a baby can start together with co-existing diseases like psoriasis in children, pityriasis versicolor or allergic dermatitis.

Early vitiligo in children pictures 5

Because of the fact that vitiligo in small children happen rare, parents can neglect the disease. This is a profound mistake: without treatment the skin disease vitiligo (pictures in gallery) will worsen that can result in grave psychological problems. The children with sings of vitiligo on the skin often face hostile feelings towards them on the part of equals in age.

The treatment should be started immediately after early vitiligo in children is diagnosed. But it is not recommended to find a disease without assistance of the physician, even if the parents are sure that vitiligo starts (pictures below) and new obvious pigmented spots appear. The problems with pigmentation can affect Hypomelanosis in a child (pictures in gallery), which also comes with light spots in the skin. In order to prove vitiligo in a child, it is needed to have tests for blood sugar level and thyroid hormones. In some stages histologic study of the affected skin is needed. Vitiligo in babies requires to be treated as well as the disease found with older children.

These very symptoms and signs in children can be evoked by albinism (pictures in gallery) – the deviation that leads to depigmentation. Such condition is not just cosmetic defect: the lack of melanin can result in vision disorders or sun intolerance.

Vitiligo disease pictures 6

Vitiligo – what’s that disease?

Vitiligo disease (picture 6) is a disorder which is connected with lack of melanin in some areas of skin covering. This is a pigment that colors our skin. The skin depigmentation happens when there is no enough melanin. The spots induced by vitiligo are of milk-white color and can be of any size and grow together with other diseases. Early vitiligo under eyes or in any other areas starts with one or two faint spots, which can develop in local involvement zones in half a year.

The vitiligo disease is regarded as chronicity and recurs from time to time. That is why the signs of vitiligo in children or adults can come and go spontaneously. The disease affects any areas of the body. There is vitiligo on a back and even on hairy part of the head. Every so often one can find vitiligo on genitals, back or under the eyes. Early vitiligo on hands (pictures below) affects both fingers and forearms. There can be wide variety of reasons for vitiligo such as:

  • traumas;
  • burns;
  • problems with immune system;
  • genetics;
  • disorders connected with liver;
  • GE tract disorders;
  • endocrine problems;
  • stresses;
  • long toxicity.

Because of these symptoms leucoderma (pictures in gallery) can develop, the signs of which are often confused with vitiligo. It is very complicated to treat these two diseases without assistance of the medical specialist.

Treatment for vitiligo pictures before and after 7

Treatment for vitiligo pictures before and after

The drugs for treatment for vitiligo must be suggested by an attending doctor. The choice depends on degree of skin damage, individual peculiarities of the organism and a stage of the diseases. If the form is localized, they recommend Synalar, Triacortum, Elocom or Hidrokortizon. When it is a disseminated form – Triamcinolone, Prednisolonum, Dexamethasonum and their analogs. If the spots do not get larger before the treatment of vitiligo, the therapy ceases their development and starts returning natural pigmentation of the skin.

In order to get rid of vitiligo spots on the face (pictures below) or on the other areas it is recommended to use vitamin-mineral complex, in some cases ultraviolet therapy is required. If the local treatment is not able to cure the skin condition vitiligo, donor skin transfer is applied.

The local treatment of vitiligo (picture 7) also includes ultraviolet or laser therapy. In order to remove vitiligo from legs it is recommended to follow the simple diet consisting of seafood, corn, rice and apples. The systemic or local glucocorticoids will help to cure vitiligo on genitals.

Gallery of pictures with vitiligo

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