Dermatitis on arms pictures

Human hands are constantly in contact with a variety of objects. Therefore, with the slightest predisposition, allergic dermatitis in the hands appears immediately.

Not knowing thoroughly what dermatitis on the hands looks like, many do not think about timely treatment. By launching the disease, they get a more complex form of the disease – atopic dermatitis on the hands.

Lupus dermatitis pictures

Lupus dermatitis pictures

Most often, you can observe lupus dermatitis (picture 1) after obligate irritants, the most common. By nature of origin, the stimuli are biological, chemical, physical. Dermatologists named the main reason that causes dermatitis: excessive skin susceptibility.

First, there is a violation of the integrity of the skin when an allergen enters, and only then does the disease itself develop. After redness and swelling of varying intensity, vesicles form with anemia. Non-healing erosion can clearly explain what dermatitis on the hands looks like without treatment. Over time, lupus dermatitis (photos below page) makes their skin noticeably thickened.

Dermatitis rash pictures

Dermatitis rash pictures

The disease begins with the usual redness of the skin, its reaction to the irritant. Contact dermatitis rash (picture 2) is characterized by the appearance of puffiness, and eventually small papules on the inflamed skin, constantly itching. Combing them leads to infection. Papules secrete purulent fluid, crusty.

The skin thickens, bursts, and skin dermatitis on toes (pictures in gall.) acquires a stage of marked change. Sebaceous glands become a breeding ground for infections. Without treatment, the disease takes a chronic form, responds poorly to therapy.

Neurodermatitis pictures

Neurodermatitis pictures

Directly associated with the immune system, its active response to irritants, neurodermatitis (picture 3) with insufficient treatment can develop into eczema. A fairly common cause of dermatitis is mechanical irritants. Ultraviolet light also causes allergic dermatitis, like burns, frostbite.

Nevertheless, chemical irritants are the dominant reason for neurodermatitis in the hands. Allergens are everywhere: in cosmetics, garments, jewelry, detergents. Almost around the clock, hands touch with irritants. Gradually, skin protection weakens, dermatitis begins to progress. With lichenoid dermatitis (pictures at the bottom), there are often periods of exacerbation.

Pustular dermatitis pictures

Pustular dermatitis pictures

Flaky papules, plaques that do not have a characteristic localization, are always present if there is pustular dermatitis (picture 4). Severe aggravated rashes are often generalized, especially in folds. There is an intolerable itching, forcing to constantly comb the affected area.

Pustular dermatitis on hands (photos in the gallery) makes the skin too dry, partially erythematous. A fairly common occurrence when pustular dermatitis discolors the skin. It thickens, periodically opening bubbles appear, which is a characteristic symptom of the disease. Pustular dermatitis in the hands is characterized by a symptom in which the skin pattern intensifies.

Bullous dermatitis pictures

Bullous dermatitis pictures

A person is forced to constantly come into contact with substances containing allergens and causing bullous dermatitis (picture 5), in which bursting papules are observed and focal redness is accompanied by itching. The infected rash secretes fluid, crusting. It is especially difficult to cure dermatitis in adults, although the course of the disease itself is easier.

Spongiotic dermatitis (pictures below) is mainly localized between the fingers, where the most delicate skin is, so when combing it is badly damaged and becomes infected. Itching intensifies with temperature. Cold bullous dermatitis is provoked by a low temperature. Frozen skin dries up, turns red, becomes rough.

Dermatitis pictures on arms

Dermatitis pictures on arms

The most common cause of dermatitis on arms (picture 6) is called by insect bites. Low-quality food, and especially an excessive passion for sweets, causing dermatitis in the arms of a child, also serve as provocateurs.

Wearing synthetic clothing, especially during the cold season, causes contact dermatitis due to constant irritation with matter. Hand dermatitis (pictures below) is characterized by rough dark spots. The skin feels like fine sandpaper to the touch. However, many diseases have similar rashes, therefore, correct diagnosis is very important.

All photos of dermatitis on the hands

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