Day 1 chicken pox pictures

In this article, we are going to consider the initial stage of chickenpox day 1 (picture 2), learn what the chickenpox looks like, and identify the main constituents of the chickenpox mild stage and symptoms. Also we are go-ing to learn about the manifestation of the chickenpox early stage.

Chicken pox day 1 pictures

How chickenpox looks like is well-known to almost every mother in the world. This disease is one of the most common childhood infections. The first stage of chickenpox is characterized by specific rash. It is the signal that the child has chicken pox.

What rash looks like chicken pox

What does chicken pox look like

The main symptom to understand what a chickenpox looks like is rash (picture 2). At first, it looks like usual red spots of small size and round shape. The early stage of chickenpox appears for the first time on the head and in the abdomen. Later, the spots turn into chicken pox pustules (pictures below). The center of the area of reddened, and the skin is raised.

The rash with chicken pox is subsequently transformed from a papule into a vesicle with purulent contents. There is itching, that appears and accompanies the process of papule opening. The next sign of how the chickenpox manifests is the pitting of the papule with the formation of a scab, or to put it simply – crusts. But this happens already at a later stage of chickenpox.

Pictures of mild chicken pox

Mild chicken pox pictures

Chickenpox, the mild case of which is characterized by mild course, occurs in children under 12 years of age. The incubation period in this case does not exceed two weeks. Very mild chickenpox (picture 3) is often not accompanied by an increase in temperature, and catarrhal symptoms. What does chickenpox look like in this case? Unlike the classic course of infection, in this case, the elements of the rash can form on any part of the body or mucous membranes.

Early stage chicken pox images

Images of chicken pox early stages

The early stages of chickenpox (image 4) appear after a long incubation period. In children, it usually makes 2 weeks, and in adults, the period from infection to the first signs of chickenpox can last for 21 days. The incubation period of chickenpox starts from an airdrop contact with a sick person, and it begins with catarrhal phenomena. They are similar to those of a respiratory infection. The only difference is the specific chickenpox rash.

Pictures of chickenpox rash

Chicken pox rash day 1 pictures

Mild chickenpox rash (picture 5) is a characteristic sign of this disease. The causative agent is the herpes virus, which develops on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. The onset of the disease chickenpox at this stage can be unnoticed for the patient. This is the period of reproduction and accumulation of the pathogen. After the virus enters the regional lymph nodes and the circulatory system, the start stage of chickenpox manifests itself.

The early stage of chickenpox (pictures below), even mild, doesn’t happen without rash. The disease passes through the same stages of development. However, rash during chickenpox is not so acute, but the papulae can be quite large. If the patient doesn’t scratch the vesicles, they quickly dry out and fall off without attaching a secondary infection. Mild chickenpox is not accompanied by secondary rashes.

Varicella zoster rash pictures

Early signs of chickenpox pictures

Catarrhal phenomena as the first signs of chickenpox (picture 6) are observed during the first two days. At this stage, the infection is not suspected. Chickenpox can be first time diagnosed only with the appearance of primary rash. Only then the doctor will be able to say that the patient has chickenpox, the first signs of which have already manifested itself.

What chickenpox rash looks like and where it is located – we have already considered above. It should be noted that rash of chickenpox (image below) is not sown immediately, and chickenpox in adults passes undulating. Each period of appearance of fresh papules is accompanied by strong intoxication and an increase in temperature. In total, from the moment when chickenpox begins and until the last rashes, it can take about ten days.

Mild chicken pox photos

Chicken pox photos early stages

The early stage of chicken pox (photo 7) is easily masked for the usual infection of the upper respiratory tract. How does chickenpox start? At the end of the incubation period, the child has a headache, often a weakness and almost always fever that can rise to 40 degrees C.

Sometimes the beginning of chickenpox takes place with little or no symptoms. What does chickenpox look like in this case? The patient’s body temperature does not increase. There may be weakness and a slight headache. Catarrhal manifestations are minor or nonexistent. In this case, the onset of chicken pox in toddlers, parents can’t even assume that the child is sick and has a chickenpox initial stage. The child communicates with other children and the infection spreads further.

Chicken pox pictures day-by-day pictures

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