Blood clot in leg symptoms pictures

When blood is changing from a liquid to a gel-like state, a person discovers signs of blood clot, in leg (picture 1) they happen more often. Under natural circumstances clotting is needed to prevent blood loss. But symptoms of blood clot in ankle (picture 2) and other places are indications for treatment.

Signs of blood clot in leg pictures 1

Warning signs of blood clot in leg pictures

Forming inside a vein, a clot can dissolve or stay there for a continuous period. The latter variant is rather dangerous because it can break free, move and stuck preventing blood flow. So, if you notice the first signs of blood clot in leg (picture 1), you should turn to a doctor. The swelling of a low limb, pain, red or even dark-blue color of damaged area – all these are signs of blood clot in your leg.

Also the leg can be sensed warm if you touch it. Usually blood clot in leg (images below) continues to develop, and in this case it becomes deep vein thrombosis that is a diagnose demanding the medical assistance and can be life-threatening. Thrombus forms in several places and can lead to a partial immobility when it is difficult for patient to move for a long time. The beginning of disorder can be unnoticeable or is not clear enough to understand that it is a problem. If there is tenderness in your leg, it can be an early sign.

Symptoms of blood clot in ankle pictures 2

Symptoms of blood clot in ankle pictures

The symptoms of the disease can be found in different parts of body but the most common one is a leg – any place of it. The blood clot in ankle (picture 2) is rather frequent and able to provoke the extreme pain in particular when a patient walks loading his legs and putting the pressure on a blood clot. The symptoms of blood clot in ankle include pain, warm sensation, and swelling. You can feel a kind of burn.

The warning signs of blood clot in leg (pics in the gallery) go down when a person lifts his legs and keeps them in this position for a while allowing blood to flow out and relieve the pressure. When blood accumulates forming the clot, the skin over this area assumes red or blue color and can become irritated, dry and itchy in due course. At the same time but with different symptoms the blood clot in hand is possible, which is diagnosed properly with ultrasound.

Blood clot in knee pictures 3

Symptoms of blood clot behind knee images

When we speak about blood clot in leg, we understand that it can be in any part of it including knee or rather the back of it. This place is breeding grounds due to the intensive activity and pressure of a particular kind appearing when a person is sitting. As far as here the vein is closer to the skin, a clot forms rather easily and develops fast. The symptoms of blood clot behind knee (image 3) are connected with pain, soreness behind the knee.

The surface becomes feeling warm to the touch. The blood clot in knee (pictures below) can transfer to more severe form – the varicose veins behind knee looking like twisted clusters of dark-blue veins at the advanced stage. If a patient does not treat it, the affected areas get covered with skin ulcers. Unfortunately this concern is able to lead to life-threatening complications that is why the slightest hint should be a reason for an appointment with a physician.

Blood clot in thigh pictures 4

Blood clot in thigh symptoms pictures

Another form for this deviation is blood clot in thigh (picture 4). It prevents normal blood flow through the leg that is affected and cause the discomfort, pain and difficulty in walking. Usually blood clots happen in the deep veins in this place and lead to the more complicated condition known as deep venous thrombosis. Sometimes a clot can appear in a thigh artery and this case is accompanied with different blood clot in thigh symptoms. The former one may cause pain higher in the thigh, which is though not a must.

If it happens, it is achy and worsening gradually. The affected area is often tender to touch but not necessarily. In common they follow symptoms of a blood clot in your leg (pictures at the bottom). While the latter case is characterized by intensive pain coming on abruptly, because the muscles are damaged due to oxygen deprivation. Local inflammation causes the warmness and redness of the skin of the affected area. There is edema or swelling, engorgement of veins.

Blood clot in lower leg pictures 5

Symptoms of blood clot in lower leg pictures

The blood clot in leg is rather common deviation caused by a number of factors happening both with men and women. Almost any part of limb can be affected. And when there is a blood clot in lower leg (picture 5), it is usually obvious due to change of color and particular drawing pain. The skin gets covered with blue or red tinge and it is warm if you touch it. Gradually it also becomes dry and itchy.

And when the things get worse, a patient can experience the difficulty with breathing. That happens because the clot can move from a leg to lungs. In general symptoms of blood clot in lower leg are the same, which observed in the other areas. The muscles get tired quickly that is why the leg feels like “heavy”. This condition can be accompanied with blood clots in feet caused by long travelling hours.

Blood clot in calf pictures 6

Signs of blood clot in calf pictures

Rather often a patient does not have signs of blood clot in calf (picture 6), but still there are a range of them. They are swelling, pain, warmth, tenderness and redness. In order to be sure it is recommended to be medically examined. Though, a blood clot is not dangerous until it breaks off and moves through the veins towards lungs and heart causing sever conditions like pulmonary embolism. That is why if you notice blood clot in calf symptoms, you should start treatment. Even rash, much less ulceration of the skin with discomfort in the limb should be taken into consideration.

By the way mostly in this part of leg clots form in superficial veins, which are just near the skin surface. This kind of blood clots in your legs (pictures below) causes a cord-like swelling. The skin here feels a little bit firmer compared to the healthy one. Bruises may appear, if a calf is injured. When the clot forms in deep veins, the venous insufficiency can develop, demanding the particular therapy.

All photos of blood clots in legs

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