What does plaque psoriasis look like

If you ask what does plaque psoriasis look like, it means that you have never experienced this disease, though, it is rather frequent among people of various ages and statuses. What are the symptoms of plaque psoriasis? There are a range of them, which we are going to discuss in this article.

Plaque psoriasis symptoms pictures 1

Plaque psoriasis symptoms pictures

So that you can understand symptoms of psoriasis on skin you should know that as usual it happens because of problems with immune systems when new skin cells develop faster than the old ones are removed, the vessels under the skin in these areas get swollen and cause red plaques. That particular condition is known as plaque psoriasis (picture 1). The formations usually appear on the trunk, scalp, face, palms, soles of feet, elbows, and knees.

When it extends all around the head, we speak about the symptoms of scalp psoriasis including the patches along the forehead, back of the neck, behind the ears. They are usually itchy and may be rather painful. Chronic plaque psoriasis can show up even in cracked skin with bleeding. So the usual symptoms of plaque psoriasis (photos in the gallery) are patches of thick, red, scaly skin as we mentioned before and can be confused with another unpleasant skin condition like eczema or dermatitis.

What does plaque psoriasis look like

What does plaque psoriasis look like

Does plaque psoriasis look like in the same manner on any part of the body? We should say that it is characterized by common signs – this is a damaged skin stinging and burning. When other types of this disorder can be followed by particular psoriasis skin rash (picture 2), which can be compared to small bumps growing bigger and forming scales in the long run.

If a physician diagnoses this kind of psoriasis on hands, in due course it can affect nails but it ain’t necessarily so. If there is plaque psoriasis on face (pictures at the bottom), it can affect almost half of the area. It is hardly that this is the only place, usually it spreads all over scalp. They suppose that facial involvement is rather sever and demands particular attention and treatment due to very thin and sensitive facial skin damaged by scaly plaques.

Signs of plaque psoriasis images 3

Signs of plaque psoriasis images

We have to repeat – psoriasis does not prefer some particular parts of body and can appear almost anywhere. Moreover, skin psoriasis affects patients in different ways. Some of them can suffer from multiple forms, but there is a need to speak about signs of plaque psoriasis (image 3) – the most common type – individuals usually experience the same symptoms. And the red patches on the skin are the must. They can be as wide as 4 inches or even larger and covered with silvery-white flakes, which are called “scales”.

There are no restrictions for them to appear – almost any area of trunk, elbows, and knees. There are very uncomfortable and painful like psoriasis on feet, which is difficult to treat because of continuous pressure on the affected area. The plaques may crack and a patient feels sore. It is not recommended to scratch itching places because it can complicate the disease course. Though, mild plaque psoriasis (pictures in the gal.) does not cause a lot of trouble.

Severe plaque psoriasis photos 4

Severe plaque psoriasis photos

But if there are signs of severe psoriasis (picture 4), it can be very painful and dangerous. Usually all forms of this skin disorder go through certain phases, that is why severe psoriasis symptoms continue for some period of time, and after proper treatment they improve and even disappear. Still the aggravation requires a lot of tolerance – it can be really challenging. Like such an unpleasant condition as facial severe plaque psoriasis (photos below) affecting sensitive skin and involving eyes sometimes.

It also develops around the mouth, in the ears and demands prompt treatment like phototherapy together with medications. There is statistics proving that about 50 % of patients suffering from psoriasis have experienced sores at the damaged locations. And one of the most complicated types of this disease is psoriatic arthritis being inflammation of the joints with plaques on the skin in these areas. It usually develops with 10% of patients in approximately 8-10 years after the psoriasis is diagnosed.

Psoriasis skin rash pictures 5

Psoriasis skin rash pictures

Unfortunately, psoriasis is a life-long problem that cannot be cured completely. Thus, from time to time a patient can find skin rash on his body, which can turn to plaque psoriasis on legs (picture 5) for example and enlarge in size. It is not contagious but usually it is itchy and sometimes painful. The most common type of it is called as plaque psoriasis on knees, hands, feet, back, scalp and even genitals. Anyway it starts out looking like small red bumps. Soon they become larger and get covered with a scale.

As far as it is itchy, a patient begins scratching it. If the scales are pull off the skin because of that, the affected area starts bleeding. As the rash spreads, there can be plaque psoriasis scalp (pictures below). But regardless of the location they are bumpy red and silvery-scaled patches on the skin. During the first month new lesions continue to appear and remain without a change during some time. Sometimes the remission can start without treatment just as time passed.

Plaque psoriasis treatment

The plaque psoriasis treatment can be rather efficient with different types of the disease. Sometimes only one method is chosen or the physicians combine several ones to achieve the result. The best treatment for plaque psoriasis without complications is phototherapy involving ultraviolet light that must be used on a regular basis. The most severe cases demands topical treatments usually meaning administration of steroids slowing down growth of skin cells.

And the skin psoriasis treatment with systemic effect is intake of prescription drugs (systemics and biologics). Usually they are recommended for psoriatic arthritis that is unresponsive to other variants or, for example, for the red lesions developed in folds and known as inverse psoriasis, which is worsened by sweat and skin rubbing causing irritation of the inflamed skin in these areas.

Images of plaque psoriasis

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